Sunday, November 2, 2014

Flipbook is a video tool that allows you to make your own animated videos. The tool is similar to paint. By painting frame after frame, you can make a stick figure come to life. This tool could be used to make an introduction video for a class. It could also be used as an assignment in which students make their own animation that correlates with a lesson plan.

SnagFilms is a resource tool that allows you to watch free documentaries. These documentaries include historical, political, and other educational videos. There are also educational videos from National Geographic. This tool could be used in class after a specific area of study. It could also be used as a take home assignment in which the student watches the film and answers questions.

Yudu is a writing tool that allows you to upload and publish your writing. These publications can range from magazine articles, ebooks, or digital brochures. You can even create a personal library of all your publications. This tool could be used as a resource for your students to read others publications. It could also be used as an assignment in which students write and publish their own digital magazine.

Montage is an image tool that allows you to make a collage of anything that interests you. You can integrate your montage with images and articles from any source that you desire. Montage also allows you to view and use montages published by others. This tool could be used to make a visual aid to present to students. It could also be used as a final project assignment in which students combine images or videos with research.

Diffen is a creativity tool that allows you to compare any two things. You can type in whatever you want and it will produce the differences between the two. This could range from the difference between planets, authors, foods, or ANYTHING! This tool would be good for printing handouts to give to students so that they can easily identify differences. It could also be used as a take home assignment in which students look up differences between two things on their own.

Yodio is an audio tool that allows you to record your own voice. Your voice can then be added to presentations that include images. These presentations can be made on your phone or computer. This tool would be useful for an online class in which students would need to watch an online lesson. It could also be used as a tool in which students produce their own narrated presentation.

Thinkature is a collaborative tool that allows you to stay in contact with people that you are working with. It can be used as a meeting room or a personal web-based whiteboard. You can keep in touch with your collaborates through instant messaging. This tool could be used to post assignments for students to view at home. It could also be used as a tool for a group project assignment in which students work outside of the classroom and stay in contact by instant messaging and sharing their research.

Fontcaputre is a drawing tool that allows you to design your own font. You can use your own handwriting to create a personalized font. All you have to do is scan in your handwriting. This tool could be used to personalize lesson plans or handouts. It could also be used as a fun writing assignment in which students write a story typed up in their own handwriting.

Prezi is a presentation tool that allows you to design presentations. You can integrate images, videos, research, etc. It's similar to a PowerPoint presentation. This tool could be used to create in class presentations. It could also be used as a project in which students research a topic and use pictures and video to present their findings to the class.

Equizer is a quiz too that allows you to create online quizzes. This tool also allows you to manage student scores. A quiz can be fill in the blank, multiple choice, true or false, multi-marked or matching questions. This tool could be used as a take home quiz assignment for students. It could also save you time since it grades the quiz's for you.

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